The accommodations will take place at the Norre Nissum school, the Lemtorp-school, Lemvig Gymnasium, and The Christinelystschool.

We ask everybody to help take good care of the schools and sportscenters.

If any accidents should happen, please contact the “Info-office”.

It is the teams responsibility to clean the accommodation-room. Before departure one of our helpers must approve the room. Before your departure, make sure to check out at the ”Info-office” at the school.

Clubs who makes any damage to the buildings or equipment, will be held responsible.

We suggest not to bring big size air madress´, as it can create problems making room for all people.

The rooms must be left on December 30th at 12.00 a.m. Loggage can be kept at the school by agreement with the ”Info-office” at the school.

 Find more information in the program received at the arrival.









We draw the attention to the fact that it is strictly forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol at the schools and sportcenters. The law in Denmark makes it illegal to smoke even outside at the schools, so have in mind that if you smoke you need to leave the school area. The local alcohol policy has also been changed this year, so no alcohol is permitted at the school.

Playing ball is strictly forbidden inside the schools. In Norre Nissum school balls has to be kept in the Info-office.

It is forbidden to keep food at the schools

Fireworks must under no circumstances be brought to the schools or sportcenters.

Violation of these rules can cause exclusion from the tournament, or demobilization at the participants own expenses.

In each room there will be smoke alarms and acces to fire-fighting equipment. This equipment is only allowed to be used in case of fire. Any violation of this can lead to exclusion from the tournament. Any expences in this connection is on the participant making the violation.

We expect all clubs to bring a responsible adult to Lemvig, who take care of informing the participants about the regulations.

To make it a good experience for everybody we expect participants to show respect for each other by showing good behaviour. This include no loud music or disruptive behaviour.


Family and other interested can stay at:

Hotel Tante                           Tlf. +45 23448088