The entry fee is 1040 DKK / 140 euro per team.

If you need to sign in without meals and housing, please contact us.

Entry is not official until the fee is received.



The cup pass, at the price of 820 DKK / 110 euro. per person gives you:

  • Participation in Limfjords-cup 2024.
  • Housing at schools in Lemvig from December 27th to December 30st.
  • 9 meals from dinner on December 27th to lunch on December 30st.
  • Free transportation between schools and gyms.
  • Admission to sparetime activities.

The last day for entry and payent of entry-fee is November 2nd 2024.

Cup passes etc. must be paid December 1st 2024.

For payment please use  Sparekassen Danmark  Reg. 9070  account number:  1880016594, SWIFT CODE VRAADK21.

IBAN DK4391161880016594

We recommnd foreign clubs to pay in euro and Danish teams to pay in kroner.